LeadHERs in Business
LeadHERs in Business is a women centric networking group
within the Palos Verdes Peninsula Chamber.
This dynamic group hosts monthly Coffee & Connections events the 3rd Tuesday of every month from 9:30am - 10:30am.
The purpose is to allow connection (introductions), conversation and collaboration within the business women's community.
These gatherings are an opportunity to:
~ Meet, introduce and surround yourself with other local business women.
~ Share ideas and mini-mind with supportive peers for conversation and valuable feedback.
~ Discover the possibilities of collaboration through mutual connections and referrals.
You are invited to join us! Click here to register for the next event!
This group is open to chamber members. Not a chamber member yet? No problem! You can visit and check it out. Just register with the link above.
Questions? Email cathy@palosverdeschamber.com or call the chamber office at 310-377-8111.