Now forming – Leadership Peninsula! We are pleased to announce that our Leadership Peninsula program has been gaining great traction and we are busy following up with prospective participants. If you haven’t signed up yet, consider submitting the short application today. Leadership Peninsula will kick-off on January 23rd.
Leadership Peninsula, presented by the Palos Verdes Peninsula Chamber of Commerce, is a dynamic program designed to develop and connect current and rising leaders who are invested in the community and interested in shaping its future. Whether you are a business leader, a civic or government leader, or a community and nonprofit leader, or aspiring to any of these roles, Leadership Peninsula will accelerate your trajectory.
A custom-designed curriculum will provide unparalleled access to outstanding guest speakers and site visits, along with insights into all key aspects of the public, private, and nonprofit sectors across the Peninsula and South Bay.
In this eight- month program, you will:
Connect with top leaders and experts across the Peninsula and South Bay
Gain perspective and knowledge about the Peninsula; its leaders, organizations, institutions, and key stakeholders; and its decision-making processes
Develop a broad network of professionals in key areas
Learn and work with like-minded leaders who are committed to the community and interested in shaping its future
Be empowered and inspired as a leader
Build a solid foundation to springboard into leadership roles in business, civic, or community affairs.
Highlights of the program curriculum include:
The Dynamics of Leadership
History of the Peninsula – How did we get here?
Four Cities – One Peninsula
Business & The South Bay Economy
From Kindergarten to College: The Role of Education on the Peninsula
Are You Safe and Can You Get There? Public Safety, Transportation, and Infrastructure
Natural Resources and the Environment; The Critical Role of Utilities
Arts, Culture, Entertainment, Sports, and the Nonprofit Sector
Questions? Email Eileen@PalosVerdesChamber.com
Become a sponsor.
Palos Verdes Peninsula Chamber of Commerce Sponsorship Opportunities for Leadership Peninsula 2025
Leadership Peninsula, presented by the Palos Verdes Peninsula Chamber of Commerce, is a dynamic program designed to develop and connect current and rising business, civic, government, and community leaders who are invested in the community and interested in shaping its future.
Sponsorship recognition will run for twelve months. Leadership Peninsula Sponsorships may also be included as part of a Chairman’s Circle Membership, providing additional benefits and recognition for your business.
$5,000 Platinum Leadership Sponsor – Opportunity to give welcoming remarks & introduction of class at Welcome Kickoff event, opportunity to host the Leadership class at your business and/or opportunity to speak to class about your business, opportunity to introduce Leadership Class at graduation event, recognition at Welcome Kickoff and graduation events, company logo on program marketing for the entire program duration (hyperlinked logo on website page, digital marketing), social media.
Includes tuition for two participants ($1990 value).
PLUS – Includes the added benefit of inclusion as a Chairman’s Circle member, further leveraging your sponsorship investment with one year’s additional marketing exposure and benefits.
$2,500 Gold Leadership Sponsor - Opportunity to speak to class about your business, recognition at Welcome Kickoff and graduation events, company logo on program marketing for the entire program duration (hyperlinked logo on website page, digital marketing), social media.
Includes tuition for one participant ($995 value).
$1,000 Silver Leadership Sponsor – Recognition at Welcome Kickoff and graduation events, logo on program marketing for the entire program duration (hyperlinked logo on website page), social media.
Includes half tuition for one participant ($500 value).
$500 Bronze Leadership Sponsor – Opportunity to sponsor the month of your choice, including opportunity to address the class at that month’s session.
Questions? Email Eileen@PalosVerdesChamber.com.